This weekend has been and especially stressful one, with my husband on the icy roads since Friday morning, returning this afternoon. He says they were some of the longest days of his life, with only about 5 hours of sleep total, very bad roads, and included the most frightening experiences of his driving career.
I don't deal well knowing that he is in dangerous situations, so as a result, I too had some very short nights, distracted and rather emotional days, and the desire to find comfort in food really came back in full force. I thank the Lord for the strength to overcome that temptation and the gentle reminder I received to trust... rest in the assurance that he is in control and my anxiety will not accomplish anything but forming an ulcer.
My husband had a only a half hour at home to clean up before we headed out for the company Christmas dinner. Prime rib, potatoes, 3 salads, gravy... mmmm... it was good. I finished the meal with a satisfied but not stuffed feeling, and could enjoy the coffee and oh-so-worth-it yummy dessert later!
I felt good about the food. It's not my enemy. I chose and ate what was good and delicious, and dessert was without guilt. I'm looking forward to Christmas and choosing the best, practicing self-control!
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