Monday, December 19, 2011

2 weeks in

Still no movement on the questionable scale since those first 3 pounds.  It's easy to get discouraged at this point; I've never had so much trouble shedding the pounds at the beginning of trying to lose weight.  I guess I've also never started working out seriously at the beginning either, usually that came later.  It makes my eye twitch a little.  I guess I won't fit into my little black dress this Christmas either! ;)  But I am feeling good!

So I'm clicking around on my blog interface, and checked out the stats, which lets me know how many people have poked around on my site and where they are from.  Apparently I have quite a few readers in Russia!  While I'm really doubtful that that's actually true, a big Merry Christmas to Russia if it is!  I think it's more likely that somebody's computer's internet either routes through Russia or somebody has hacked your computer and is re-routing all your info for their nefarious purposes!!! *evil cackle*  :)

Since having children, I have a memory like a rabbit's tail - short and fuzzy.  It frustrates me to no end to get to the end of a wonderful book and already have forgotten the beginning!  I worked through a few books this past year and while I know they were helpful, I find it necessary to continually review and remind myself of the lessons I've learned!

One book is called Hope, Help & Healing for Eating Disorders, another one called She's Gonna Blow, Real help for Moms dealing with Anger, and yet another called One Thousand Gifts, a dare to live fully right where you are.  I RECOMMEND ALL THREE!!  It was amazing how all three punctuated what the other author was saying, and created a symbiosis of ideas and practical plans to deal with the issues at hand.  I read snippets of each in a random rotation, and allowed them to digest before digging in deeper, and found myself in a place I hate to be - in the presence of the discovery that I am NOT perfect, contrary to popular belief!

I'm continuing to review these lessons and am likely to bombard you, my Russian readership, with tidbits and thoughts!


Michelle said...

Looking forward to it!!

For the record, you are practically perfect in every way--and there's grace for all the rest! Woo, hoo!


Roselyn said...

Readers from Russia eh! You are doing amazing Colleen!